
Line Nobody is indifferent to the grandeur of the Signa Line office furniture. With composable furniture, built with wood and satin paint, each option is a demonstration of the grandeur of a company. More important than the size of an organization is how it projects into the present and into the future. Composed of: Composable […]


Line The furniture for offices of the Directive line has in your essence the representation of exclusivity.  The collection is a synonym of sophistication and functionality. Perfect for company environment where big decisions are made. Composed of: Straight and auxiliary tables for offices with different types of base formats, dynamic tables, socket box and gutters. […]


Line The furniture from build adds sobriety and refinement to your space, with functionality and excellence in design. They are perfect for corporate enviroment that require discretion and elegance. In adition, offers versatility and durability, making then ideal to atend the daily demands in a professional work enviroment. Composed of: Composite metalic estructures, cabinets of […]


Line Versatile and practical, the Operative line is perfect for spaces with proactive people, who require operability and speed. With design thought to facilitate your day by day, they are furniture that carry with them the essence of agility combined with the refinement attributed by its modern forms. Composed of: Chairs that follow ergonomic standards […]

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